Even after all this time the New Normal is a relentless mistress.
Despite signs that the economy is finally taking a minor, tiny, itty bitty, ever-so-slight turn for the better, your work life is / has been / will always be a lagging indicator. As a generation, we the American people, are still pulling longer and harder hours for stagnant pay just to eke out whatever statistically higher productivity gains our enlightened MBA's manage to falsify into questionable Excel documents. (Overruled! Hearsay! -ed.)
So how do we take control? How do we normalize hours? Reset the work/life balance? see the sunlight? Meet our first born child?
Well, here's the first rational advice I've ever heard:
Go. The Fuck. Home.
Go tell it on the mountain, Pam Selle.
So let's do it.
Turn it off.
Shut it down.
Let's go The Fuck home.
Image: C.P.Storm via flickr, Used Under Creative Commons, Attribution.

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