New Years Resolutions are bullshit.
Every year they come around. And every year you vow to get in shape via as-seen-on-TV workout equipment. Workout equipment that usually ends up as a drying rack for your enormous circus-tent-like dress shirts. Huzzah for that.
This year, resolve to quit resolving. Resolve to be a generally healthier person. And resolve to choose a workout regime that you'll actually want to do. Enter the TRX Suspension Training System - a delicious part of the nutritious breakfast we like to call a healthy lifestyle.
Interested? Here's what you'll find when you crack open the box:
The Pro Pack Box, Front:
Fit people show off fitness in badass black and yellow. Pretty standard stuff.
The Pro Pack Box, Rear:
Out back you'll find the contents list. This particular Pro Pack includes the TRX Suspension Trainer model P2, compact mesh carry bag, a 65-minute introduction to suspension training DVD, durable quickstart/workout guide and two "bonus" workout cards.
Pro Pack Box, Detail:
Apparently TRX is a military brat. M1 Abrams Tank, cum strap anchor, not included.
The TRX Door Anchor Accessory Box, Front:
Sadly, like the giant, badass tank shown on the main package, the door anchor accessory is also not included... Unfortunately, the same goes the hottie in super-tight short shorts shown in the photo.
TRX Pro Pack Main Box, Inside:
Pop the top and you'll find this neatly packaged intriguing introduction to suspension training. It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a mystery. Give the cord a pull and...
...the mesh carry bag pops out. Surprise!
Inside of which you'll find the actual training straps themselves.
The Door Anchor Accessory Box, Contents:
TRX offers many different anchor options. I chose the Door anchor kit which includes the door anchor (duh) and a warning card to hang on the other side of the door while you carve your masterwork.
The TRX System, Deployed.
Put it all together, and you're ready to rock. Or hang. Or whatever.
Check it out at

You are providing a great service to all of us who are looking for new and challenging workouts. It is especially great that you are incorporating RIP movements as well. It is a great piece of equipment and a great compliment to the TRX supension trainer. Keep doing what you have been doing.
Newport Beach TRX training
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