Between the ski gear and the bike gear and the kayak gear and the trekking gear and the camping gear and the climbing gear and the gear gear, living the sporting life gets hella expensive. Hella quick.
With the upcoming fall camping and winter ski seasons barreling at me like an ambulance to a double black diamond on townie day, I had to find another solution for my hardware source. But who could save me the cash I need on the brands I want? (No, this isn't an ad. -ed.)Blam:
The Clymb
How do savings of up to 70% below retail on big-time outdoor brands strike you and your ever shrinking wallet? The deals swap about every three days, so you never know what you're going to get. Which isn't really a big problem when you're scoring mad kizzy on awesome brands like Kelty, Litespeed and Fjällräven.
Per their FAQ, The Clymb's offerings are not defective merchandise, factory seconds or knock-offs. They are an authorized dealer of 100% authentic hardware. Rather than ordering in advance like most retailers, it sounds like they operate in a similar fashion to stores like T.J. Maxx. Picking up gear last minute and passing the savings straight to our dirt-encrusted, calloused mitts. (Minus the ugly purses... -ed.)
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Mt. Moneybags beckons. |
While savings of up to 70% below retail sounds too good to be true, the site appears to be legit. Several orders have arrived clean, properly billed and totally awesome. Additionally, anecdotal evidence floating about the office seems to back up our positive experience. Just keep an eye out. Like Ikea, most of the sales are totally killer, but we've notice a few merely average deals tucked innocently into all the awesomeness. Shop smart and you'll be money, my friend.
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Scout's honor. |
The Clymb is invite only. However, if you do need an invite to this illustrious and elite club, just drop us an email with your name, email address and a few words explaining why you deserve it in the body, and we'll see what we can do...
Verdict: 9 out of 10 Hup-Huzzahs!
Check it here: The Clymb
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