The Carrie Diaries, a new show on The CW, is apparently a period piece about several modern tween girls who travel back in time to the 1980s, where they wear distinctly non-80s clothes and complain about their parents in very non-80s speech patterns while everybody around them acts extremely 80s. Confusing? To this commentator, yes. Extremely.
I'm told that the program is a prequel to HBO's wildly popular Sex in The City, itself a product of the go-go 2000s, aimed at the younger end of the teenage audience. I'm told it's a sweet, slightly saucy, coming of age story starring the now iconic Carrie Bradshaw - minus the iconic couture dresses and signature ripped arms. In reality, it's a confusing mishmash of emotional schlock aimed at angst-ridden girls starring their 1980s-bred parents, circa age 12.
Verdict: If you're a modern tween girl who totally hates your parents because they're the worst, you'll like The Carrie Diaries. If you're a grown ass man who has foolishly relinquished Monday night remote control privileges to his significant other, you're screwed. (Please. Somebody help him... -ed.)
As of this writing, The Carrie Diaries airs Mondays at 8/7 Central on The CW.